Truth: It Shouldn't be Republicans vs. Democrats

Posted by Lindsey , Thursday, July 7, 2011 5:46 AM

I found the following quote here as a comment:
"Let us acknowledge that there is a liberal and conservative propaganda machine. They are both working smoothly at maximum output. They serve the same purpose of keeping society distracted while Big Government and Ruling Corporations get what they want. When was the last time the Liberals or Conservatives were in power and gave the American People what they want? When we accept that Republicans and Democrats are one and the same, we will begin to make progress." 

Wake up people!


Posted by Lindsey , Thursday, June 30, 2011 2:29 PM

Back when I was working at LAUP in what...2008? boss held a small optional training/workshop about writing down what you want to make goals happen or to actualize them. She referenced books on the subject which are beyond my memory at this point but I remember that day fairly well because of something I wrote down. We had to write down 10-15 goals or things or whatever that we wanted to accomplish within the next 10 years. I have looked at my list over the years and at the moment I don't even know where that list is but I know that one thing I wrote down was that I wanted to live in 3 major cities besides LA. 

In 2009, I lived in Seoul and now this summer I will be moving to Tegucigalpa in Honduras. Who knows where I could live after that two-year contract. The point is, write things down. Make things happen. We only have one life. You won't get another one after you're dead that I know of. So do something. Don't regret. That is all! :)

Packing Hell!

Posted by Lindsey , Monday, June 13, 2011 10:39 AM

You know that moment where everything is messy before it is clean? I'm in that moment right now and paralyzed to get myself out of it. I have actually been procrastinating for the last month and I think it is my subconscious brain, refusing to move yet again. I really really want to move to Honduras, but my mental health can't take another transition so soon. I want to get the hell out of Los Angeles, but I really need an actual kick in the ass to get myself in gear. Where's my mom when I need her?


Posted by Lindsey , Saturday, May 28, 2011 1:43 AM

I have some unfinished business in LA in that there are some things I still want to do. So, this is my open invitation to anyone who would like to do these things with me. I am making a list and I may add more later, but now I only have 3 weeks to accomplish it. I did this in Seoul too, though I didn't get through the list it made me feel better that I did get to check some things off. So here it is (please message me or comment if you want to do any or all of the things on the list):

1. Angel's Flight thing in downtown (the streetcar on Hill, it is really cheap) : Did this on June 3rd 
2. Picture taking on Broadway in downtown 
3. Dodger's game (preferably on a Friday when they have fireworks)
4. LACMA (Tim Burton exhibit)
5. Hang out/take pictures on Vermont in Los Feliz (I pass through here everyday on my way to and from work on the bus and it looks fantastic plus House of Pies...I want to go to there)
6. Santa Anita racetrack? Not sure if I'll have time, but I think it would be fun : There are no races before I leave 
7. Malibu (I still have never been and I heard Zuma Beach is amazing)
8. Instead of boat tour, watch a movie at Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Heathers is showing June 18th)

Ok, that's what I have for now. I don't see myself finishing everything, but it's worth a shot. Let me know if you'd like to join me on any of these expeditions! The more the merrier. And I really believe this will be the end of me living in Los Angeles, hence the list. Perhaps I will visit, but I don't really feel like this is home anymore. I will miss everyone here so would love to see some of you before I leave and might as well do something cool in the city at the same time!

Oh Man...

Posted by Lindsey , Thursday, May 26, 2011 1:37 PM

I am lame, I haven't posted anything in a year! In my defense, I started another blog about going out and doing things in LA on the cheap (although I did abandon that as well). I just have to admit to myself that I'm not great at this and I do get so busy that maintaining a blog usually becomes impossible for me. But some things have changed to where I think I need to make myself update something, at least so my family and friends can know what the hell is going on with me.

So I'm moving out of the country again. This is the main reason I came back to this blog. This year has been a whirlwind of me getting my ass in gear to finish school and get my credential. Thankfully, I am almost done. I have my final class and I'm finishing up student teaching. I have just less than five weeks left. I should graduate and receive my Master's/preliminary teaching credential by the end of June. 

I started to stomp the pavement, sending out my resume to nearly every international school that had even a hint of an opening I would be qualified for. I also applied to every history position I saw for California. Unfortunately, I have never even been called for an interview for this state which is sad and disheartening. I do, however, continue to receive rejection emails in my inbox. Oh joy. So there were a few game changers with this. First of all, I found out from the credentialing commission that I could clear my credential internationally by working at a regionally accredited school and completing an online program. Because of this, there was no reason to keep looking for jobs here. My dream is to teach abroad so might as well do just that as soon as I'm able.

I started to get emails and calls for international positions. Within a one week time period, I had interviews for Korea, the UAE, and Honduras. I really didn't know how I felt about all of these places. I really didn't want to go back to Korea so fast after leaving (plus it is a University position, not teaching history). Also, it is in a very small city in the south. If I would go back, I of course would prefer Seoul. I still have friends there and I like big city life. I also didn't know how I felt about the UAE, obviously because it's in the middle east and all of the stereotypes and fears surrounding that region. After the interview, I decided it sounded even less appealing as I would have to deal with ridiculously rich self-entitled children who aren't used to hearing "no". Plus, with my background they wanted me to do kindergarten again. No thank you. I want to teach history to mini-adults. Point, blank, period.

Let's see...Honduras. I really didn't know much about it except that it is in Central America and hot, with some Mayan ruins. That sounded pretty appealing. When I started doing additional research, it didn't look like the most appealing place on earth (rampant poverty, one of the highest murder rates in the world, muggings are common) but things are not always what they seem when you don't actually live within a society. I know most people were really worried about earthquakes and crime when I moved to LA (I have only felt two smallish earthquakes in my time here and direct crime hasn't affected me yet though watch out for road rage drivers annnndd I'm knocking on wood). Also, everyone freaked when I announced my move to Korea ("Which Korea are you moving to?"....ughhh, as if Kim Jong-il would let Americans move there willingly dur..). 

I mean, really. Even when I was traveling in Southwest Asia I heard terrible tales about thugs cutting off my fingers for a white gold ring if I wore it and keeping my money only close to my body hidden. There is always this awful fear of the unknown that is perpetuated. I know that bad things happen in the world and I don't intend to be naive or trusting, but come on. Some things people fear are just ridiculous. I don't know how some people accomplish anything, to be quite honest. Ok, so there's my unintended rant for this post. Moving on..

The interview for Honduras went extremely well and both the superintendent and the principal for the high school are Americans (United Statesians?). After a week, they offered me a social studies position. Ok, the package for this international school is not as great as other international schools, but it is a great way for me to travel and get my foot in the door of the international teaching community. Plus, it is actually a wonderful package for a developing country.  I will obviously be making much much more than locals and will actually be able to save quite a bit since the cost of living is so low. 

My package includes a very comfortable salary where I can save at least a thousand every month, free housing and utilities (though I will have to live with another teacher or two), insurance, round trip airfare x2 (they will send me home after a year as this is a two-year contract), a gym membership, and some of my costs to move reimbursed. This is wonderful for a beginning teacher. It will actually work out to be more than I would make in a school starting out here in LA since I won't have to pay the exorbitant rent. Also, I received the school calendar and the holidays are ridiculous. I will have ample time to travel around if I choose to do so.

So, status on this...I'm waiting for the finalized contract and my official start date. I found out yesterday that I will be teaching 12 graders and my subjects include economics, philosophy, and 20th century history. I don't know how comfortable I feel about the economics, but my teacher at student teaching has many resources to pass on to me for that subject so I'm not too worried. My next steps are a mile-long to do list which involve vaccinations, background check, packing, etc. etc...all while finishing up my Master's. Ha, I always seem to bite off more than I can chew. I also plan to go to Ohio for about a month and then flying to Honduras from there so I can spend time with family. I'm hoping all of this goes as smooth as possible. 

I do have some regrets. I'm leaving so fast, I haven't even been back a full year and this is happening fairly quickly. I definitely didn't get to spend as much time with friends in LA as I would have liked. But I'm so extremely busy and I know my friends are too. I also have had little to no money since being back, as soon as I had the ball rolling on three jobs I had to quit one in order to student teach. This has really hit me in the pocket. Also, I got rid of my car which further hinders my ability to hang with people. If you are reading this and haven't seen me since I got back to Korea, I'm sorry and I miss you and hopefully our paths will cross at some point before I leave. If not, I know people are in our lives for a reason. This year was, unfortunately, not about cultivating relationships for me. That is regrettable as people are amazing. I still love all of you and do think of you often. I hope your lives are wonderful. 

In other news, I was in the audience of the Glee finale last night ("Nationals") and I made eye contact with Puckerman. jealous...

Poop, I Have to Sell Stuff Again

Posted by Lindsey 1:30 PM

"You buy furniture. You tell yourself, this is the last sofa I will ever need in my life. Buy the sofa, then for a couple of years you're satisfied that no matter what goes wrong, at least you've got your sofa issue handled. Then the right set of dishes. Then the perfect bed. The drapes. The rug. Then you're trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to own, now they own you."
---From Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club

This seems particularly relevant as I pack to move out of the country again. I told myself when I first moved from Ohio that I would never be so tied to a place again with material objects and now I have an apartment full of furniture to try to get rid of....things really do start to own you if you're not careful. I need to remind myself that the only truly essential things are not what you buy, but what you cultivate within yourself.

A Poem (not by me)

Posted by Lindsey , Monday, May 23, 2011 2:14 PM

who knows if the moon's
a balloon, coming out of a keen city
in the sky--filled with pretty people?
(and if you and i should

get into it, if they
should take me and take you into their balloon,
why then
we'd go up higher with all the pretty people

than houses and steeples and clouds:
go sailing
away and away sailing into a keen
city which nobody's ever visited, where

                       Spring) and everyone's
in love and flowers pick themselves

---e.e. cummings